


Founder of the Law office in Kielce. He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University. Member of the Świętokrzyska Bar.
Served as Dean of the District Bar Council in Kielce and a member of the Supreme Bar Council in the years 1989-2007. He specializes in criminal law (a defense in cases brought by the public prosecutor or by private persons, in preparatory proceedings, committal proceedings, proceedings related to execution of a sentence, as well as representation of the interests of victims in criminal proceedings). He also oversees issues connected with family law (divorce, separation), inheritance law as well as connected with awarding of damages (medical malpractice, traffic accidents, etc.). Provides legal assistance in consulting, representation before common courts and arbitral tribunals, and in the course of mediation on behalf of both natural and legal persons. He is the Chairman of the Provincial Committee Adjudicating on Medical Events in Kielce. Vice President of the Arbitration Court at the Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Kielce. The author of a book entitled „A little bit about justice, past legal profession and life”. President of the Society of Friends of Lviv and the Polish Eastern Borderlands with seat in Kielce.

Branches: criminal law, family law, law of succession, medical law, legal advice, representation in court proceedings, representation in arbitration procedures



Graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, completed post-graduate studies in the field of copyright, publishing and media law and the Act on Combating Unfair Competition at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, had workshops on the art of negotiation organized by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights in Warsaw. Is a licensed trustee. A member of the law office since 1995. In her legal practice, she represents businesses and individuals before the courts of law, participates in negotiations and mediations, prepares legal opinions, and deals with legal advice. Specializes in broadly understood civil law, including commercial law. Manages issues related to creation, transformation, restructuring and financial recovery of economic entities (corrective and bankruptcy procedures and liquidation), as well as in business and consumer bankruptcy and debt collection as well as enforcement of claims and receivables. Handles issues related to copyright as well as combating unfair competition. Represents clients in family matters, including those related to economic activities of the parties (division of property, dissolution of joint marital property). Speaks fluent English.

Branches: civil and economic law, restructuring and financial recovery of economic entities, insolvency proceedings of entrepreneurs and consumer bankruptcy, copyright, unfair competition, family issues, legal advice, preparation of legal opinions and draft agreements, representation in court proceedings, mediations, negotiations, representation in enforcement proceedings, registration procedure, land and mortgage register proceedings, foundations, associations, public benefit organizations



She graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Since 2015 entered to the list of trainee advocates at the District Bar Council in Kielce. Currently pursuing postgraduate studies in commercial law at the Faculty of Law and Administration at Warsaw University. Graduated from the School of American Law in framework of cooperation with the Catholic University of Washington. Has a certificate confirming fluency in legal English – International Legal English Certificate. Handles issues related to the wider civil law, particularly Contract Law. Has experience in drawing draft agreements and procedural documents. Responsible for contacts with foreign customers, in English , at the law office.

Branches: civil law, civil proceedings, economic law, registration proceedings, land and mortgage register proceedings



Absolwentka Wydziału Prawa, Administracji i Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach. Kontynuuje naukę na studiach magisterskich na Wydziale Humanistycznym tutejszego Uniwersytetu. Po uzyskaniu tytułu magistra planuje rozpocząć studia doktoranckie, podczas których podejmie się analizy językoznawczej polskich kampanii prezydenckich po 1989 r. Doświadczenie zawodowe zdobywała w kieleckim oddziale Gazety Wyborczej, w sztabie wyborczym Bogdana Wenty, kandydata do Parlamentu Europejskiego oraz Dziale Marketingu i PR drużyny siatkarskiej Effector Kielce. Jej zainteresowania koncentrują się wokół polityki, marketingu politycznego oraz bieżących wydarzeń w Polsce i na świecie. Odpowiedzialna jest za organizację pracy i sprawne funkcjonowanie Kancelarii. Do jej obowiązków należy kontakt z klientami, pomoc w obowiązkach służbowych Adwokatów, odpowiedzialność za korespondencje i dokumenty prawne oraz dbanie o dobry wizerunek Kancelarii. Włada językiem angielskim.



Absolwentka Wydziału Ekonomicznego Uniwersytetu Technologiczno – Humanistycznego w Radomiu. Ukończyła studia na kierunku Administracja, zarówno stopień licencjacki jak i magisterski. Obecnie w celu poszerzenia swoich kwalifikacji kończy szkolenie z zakresu „Księgowy z arkuszami kalkulacyjnymi w zarządzaniu”. Swoje doświadczenie zawodowe zdobywała w Urzędzie Gminy Tczów oraz w biurze podróży Interesuje się dobrą książką, sportem oraz muzyką. Odpowiedzialna jest za sprawne funkcjonowanie Kancelarii. Do jej obowiązków należy kontakt z klientami, pomoc w obowiązkach służbowych Adwokatów, odpowiedzialność za korespondencje i dokumenty prawne oraz dbanie o dobry wizerunek Kancelarii.

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41 362 69 43